It was drawn to my attention by the On This Day Facebook app that the last time I posted to this blog was a year ago. I am not sure quite what happened - I blame mindless Internet use (for most things actually!) I am not sure how I feel about this app. Whilst I love being reminded of some wonderful moments, and adorable pictures, it kind of feels like my life slowly ebbing away, documented coldly by Facebook. Also seeing many smiling pictures of my late-twenties self is not great for the late-30s ego, especially first thing in the morning, when I tend to check it. I was also prompted by a friend, who has started to write a rather wonderful 1930s blog, which I will link to when I work out how!
Anyway, I am determined to start again - I really enjoy writing this blog, and am ready to dive back in to the world of children's fiction (not that I ever left it - I just stopped blogging about it!)
Our most successful recent purchase is not a book, but has led to a great love for several books. These wonderful CDs from The Book People were bought for BabyM when he was far too young to appreciate them. However now that he is two (although still, resolutely The Baby, as I fear he will remain, thanks to the 7.5 year age gap between him and his nearest sibling) he is greatly enjoying them.
The CDs are based around a story for young children. The story is read with musical accompaniment, and then songs and activities follow. Some are longer than others, We're Going on a Bear Hunt seems to go on for decades (disclaimer, I am the only person ever to HATE this book), and Owl Babies is too short (meaning that you have to listen to it about eight times in a journey of any length). However, they are fantastic. BabyM now knows all of the words to Owl Babies, We're Going on a Bear Hunt and Guess How Much I Love You, and loves reading those books at bedtime (the pack doesn't come with the books, but you will not be surprised to hear that we have most of them already!)
We haven't listened to a couple of them yet, for example The Mousehole Cat, as I think BabyM is a little young to appreciate their subtleties. However, for £9.99, this is the perfect Christmas present for the toddler in your life. Their parents may or may not hate you, depending on their tolerance for listening to Baby Owl Bill singing "I want my Mummy" on repeat. The toddler will love you though, and that's the main thing.